Thursday, 24 November 2022

Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Spirit filled

Let Your Life Shine

Let Your Life Shine - Gloria Copeland
Be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12 One thing the world needs to see is good examples. They need to see believers walk in love and purity and faith in their homes, in their schools and in their businesses. The Apostle Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:17 to live above reproach in the sight of all men. Other scriptures teach us to avoid all appearance of evil. So, when you go after God, don't walk out on the edge, trying to see how much you can get by with. Go all out in God's direction. Conduct yourself in a way that will put to rest any question about whether or not you're a Christian. Let the people around you see your love and faith and purity in every situation. Your example will go a lot further than your words. When our son, John, was a little boy, we were spending time with my grandparents. John was sleeping with my granddaddy and he woke him up in the night and said, "Pop, I have an earache. Would you pray for it?" Well, my grandparents were raised in a church that didn't believe in healing. I don't know what Pop did, but it didn't work. So, John just got up and said, "I'm going to go get in bed with my mother. When she prays, it stops hurting." About 18 years later, Pop told me the story. You see, I had set an example of faith and love and John remembered it. While your children are growing up, they might forget some of the sermons you've preached or act like they're not interested in the things of God. But they'll never forget your example. Even at the place where you work or go to school or just in your neighborhood, people might reject or argue with the words you say. But they'll never refute or forget your acts of love. Don't let petty sins and spiritual compromises cast a shadow over your example. Live above reproach and let the light of Jesus shine brightly through you.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Sunday, 20 November 2022

_Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure._*

*_Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure._* As far as walking in righteousness and holiness is concerned, it is purely a matter of grace which means divine help, the help of the Holy Spirit. But we must understand that we must first receive grace to be willing before we can receive grace to do or obey. Many are struggling today because the willingness grace is not first established. Many also think willingness is just a function of choice. But Phillipians 2:13 shows that both the willingness grace and the obedience grace come only from God (Holy Spirit). God told Abimelech in Genesis 20:6, "I withheld thee from sinning against me". The grace to be willing to embrace a commandment comes majorly from the revelation of the benefits of obeying and the cost of disobeying. For example, abstaining from fornication/adultery is a commandment of God unto our sanctification (1 Thess 4:3-4), but when God reveals to us the blessedness of obeying that commandment and the dangers of disobeying, we will have grace both to be willing and then the grace to do or obey just flows from the Holy Spirit who is in us and with us. Joseph surely received such grace that made him flee from Potiphar's wife. Let's be opened today to receive the grace to be fully willing for righteousness so as to have the grace to do or obey. Have a most fulfilling time in God's presence today. Pst Dotun Olaitan.

Thursday, 17 November 2022


The Power to Create - Kenneth Copeland
Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example] as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. - Ephesians 5:1, The Amplified Bible Creating new things, changing old things. Because you and I are made in the image of God that's something we're always trying to do. But if we're to be successful at it, we need to learn a lesson about it from the Creator Himself, our very own heavenly Father. You know, He didn't just come upon creation by accident and say, "Well, what do you know! There's light!" No, before He began to make His universe, He first had a desired result (an inner idea, or image, of what He wanted to create) and then said, "Light be!" and light was. If we're going to imitate Him, we're going to have to put the principle of the inner image to work too. "But, Brother Copeland," you say, "that was God. Surely you don't expect me to try to act like God." I most certainly do. Ephesians 5:1 says to! Let me warn you about something though. Don't waste your time sitting around trying to dream up a positive inner image all on your own. That's nothing more than positive thinking, and while it's better than negative thinking (or not thinking at all), it will eventually fall flat. If you're a born-again child of Almighty God, God has given you the principle and the power to make permanent changes in your life and in your circumstances. Think again about creation. God wanted light. So He said, "Let there be light." The words He spoke were directly related to His inner image. He used His Words to get that image from the inside to the outside. What you need to use as the basis for your inner image and for the words you speak is the Word of God. The Word has supernatural power. And if you fill that Word with faith and speak it out, it will work for you to change your life and circumstances as surely as it did for your Father. Find out what real creativity is all about. Dig into the Word of God and start rebuilding your world today.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

You don't know when You will be Called home

 What ever your hands find to do , do it unto the Lord with all your heart.

You don't have to be popular to be rewarded as a great servant of the Lord.
In your cell group, God can still reward you as great as other popular Servants of God.
The place of your God given assignments is one of the things that matter the most.
If you miss your assignment ground, you miss your appointment with God.
You can only be backed up by God in the delivery of your assignment at the assignment ground.
Never go to a place in the name of God where He has not sent you as His Servant.
God call us and by His hands , He fulfills our days.
God will fulfill your days. In Jesus name.
Shout Amen!!!

BOOK REVIEW @Light Of Christ EPSD#0001-SATAN GET LOST By David O Oyedepo

 SATAN GET LOST  CHAPTER FOUR (4) WHERE IS SATAN? facebook Satan your adversary is currently under your feet. Romans 16:20 ''-----An...