9th - 12th May, 2023.
• Bishop David Oyedepo.
• Bishop David Abioye.
• Bishop David Ibiyeome.
• Pastor Mrs. Faith Oyedepo.
• Pastor Paul Eneche.
There is no anointing that can empower you with the skills you have not acquired.
Ministry is not just about speaking but a call to be an able minister of God.
We build spiritual capacity the same way we build our physical muscles to stay fit in a race.
Reading to preach is not capacity building, it is reading to learn that is called capacity development.
It is not what you know that helps you develop capacity, it is what you do with what you know that develops your capacity.
Capacity is not about age but the depth of insight that comes through a crave for knowledge.
God will always appraise your capacity to determine your next levels.
If you ignore knowledge, you will suffer mockery.
There is no place in the world where you don't require capacity to maximise your adventure.
Burnout is just a function of disconnect from current knowledge.
People who are always learning never suffer a burnout.
How committed you are to learning determines your limits.
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