Thursday, 24 November 2022

Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Spirit filled

Let Your Life Shine

Let Your Life Shine - Gloria Copeland
Be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12 One thing the world needs to see is good examples. They need to see believers walk in love and purity and faith in their homes, in their schools and in their businesses. The Apostle Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:17 to live above reproach in the sight of all men. Other scriptures teach us to avoid all appearance of evil. So, when you go after God, don't walk out on the edge, trying to see how much you can get by with. Go all out in God's direction. Conduct yourself in a way that will put to rest any question about whether or not you're a Christian. Let the people around you see your love and faith and purity in every situation. Your example will go a lot further than your words. When our son, John, was a little boy, we were spending time with my grandparents. John was sleeping with my granddaddy and he woke him up in the night and said, "Pop, I have an earache. Would you pray for it?" Well, my grandparents were raised in a church that didn't believe in healing. I don't know what Pop did, but it didn't work. So, John just got up and said, "I'm going to go get in bed with my mother. When she prays, it stops hurting." About 18 years later, Pop told me the story. You see, I had set an example of faith and love and John remembered it. While your children are growing up, they might forget some of the sermons you've preached or act like they're not interested in the things of God. But they'll never forget your example. Even at the place where you work or go to school or just in your neighborhood, people might reject or argue with the words you say. But they'll never refute or forget your acts of love. Don't let petty sins and spiritual compromises cast a shadow over your example. Live above reproach and let the light of Jesus shine brightly through you.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Sunday, 20 November 2022

_Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure._*

*_Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure._* As far as walking in righteousness and holiness is concerned, it is purely a matter of grace which means divine help, the help of the Holy Spirit. But we must understand that we must first receive grace to be willing before we can receive grace to do or obey. Many are struggling today because the willingness grace is not first established. Many also think willingness is just a function of choice. But Phillipians 2:13 shows that both the willingness grace and the obedience grace come only from God (Holy Spirit). God told Abimelech in Genesis 20:6, "I withheld thee from sinning against me". The grace to be willing to embrace a commandment comes majorly from the revelation of the benefits of obeying and the cost of disobeying. For example, abstaining from fornication/adultery is a commandment of God unto our sanctification (1 Thess 4:3-4), but when God reveals to us the blessedness of obeying that commandment and the dangers of disobeying, we will have grace both to be willing and then the grace to do or obey just flows from the Holy Spirit who is in us and with us. Joseph surely received such grace that made him flee from Potiphar's wife. Let's be opened today to receive the grace to be fully willing for righteousness so as to have the grace to do or obey. Have a most fulfilling time in God's presence today. Pst Dotun Olaitan.

Thursday, 17 November 2022


The Power to Create - Kenneth Copeland
Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example] as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. - Ephesians 5:1, The Amplified Bible Creating new things, changing old things. Because you and I are made in the image of God that's something we're always trying to do. But if we're to be successful at it, we need to learn a lesson about it from the Creator Himself, our very own heavenly Father. You know, He didn't just come upon creation by accident and say, "Well, what do you know! There's light!" No, before He began to make His universe, He first had a desired result (an inner idea, or image, of what He wanted to create) and then said, "Light be!" and light was. If we're going to imitate Him, we're going to have to put the principle of the inner image to work too. "But, Brother Copeland," you say, "that was God. Surely you don't expect me to try to act like God." I most certainly do. Ephesians 5:1 says to! Let me warn you about something though. Don't waste your time sitting around trying to dream up a positive inner image all on your own. That's nothing more than positive thinking, and while it's better than negative thinking (or not thinking at all), it will eventually fall flat. If you're a born-again child of Almighty God, God has given you the principle and the power to make permanent changes in your life and in your circumstances. Think again about creation. God wanted light. So He said, "Let there be light." The words He spoke were directly related to His inner image. He used His Words to get that image from the inside to the outside. What you need to use as the basis for your inner image and for the words you speak is the Word of God. The Word has supernatural power. And if you fill that Word with faith and speak it out, it will work for you to change your life and circumstances as surely as it did for your Father. Find out what real creativity is all about. Dig into the Word of God and start rebuilding your world today.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

You don't know when You will be Called home

 What ever your hands find to do , do it unto the Lord with all your heart.

You don't have to be popular to be rewarded as a great servant of the Lord.
In your cell group, God can still reward you as great as other popular Servants of God.
The place of your God given assignments is one of the things that matter the most.
If you miss your assignment ground, you miss your appointment with God.
You can only be backed up by God in the delivery of your assignment at the assignment ground.
Never go to a place in the name of God where He has not sent you as His Servant.
God call us and by His hands , He fulfills our days.
God will fulfill your days. In Jesus name.
Shout Amen!!!

Monday, 17 October 2022


Wait..., Do you know that you too can become a STAR ?? Partnership with God in Soul Winning: Is The Wisest Path Ever till date . It turns Men into Stars ⭐✨ Forever. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Key 🗝️


*The Light of Christ*
Poverty does not die by fire, Poverty dies by Giving.
Some people say; it's a disease, so it can be cured  by Giving.
God bless our understanding.🕊️🕊️🕊️

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Your Value



Your true value is not determined by how you look or what people say about you; it is determined by what God Says You're.
So cheer up , move out with your head up...for God is still interested in Your business .

Monday, 30 May 2022

Apostle Babalola



Apostle Ayo Babalola
Apostle Ayo Babalola

The great Apostle Babalola went to preach the gospel in a demonic town and he went to the king in the place to ask for land to build the church.
The king who was also a demonic person was not interested in the gospel; he also was practically a demon in his own right. He gave the man of God the forbidden bush. A bush where nobody goes.

When pregnant women die they throw them there. When people with familiar spirit die they throw them there
Nobody goes there.
Those who have ventured to go in,did not last 24 hours there before they died. That was the place the king gave to the man of God.

Baba Babalola thanked the king profusely, while the king was just looking at him, ‘why is this one thanking us’.
And Apostle Babalola went out, took his prayer warriors and they went to the bush.
When they got there, the man of God began to pray, Some of those who were there that day with cutlass to cut the bush,are still alive- they told us what I am telling you.

As they got there, the man of God rang his bell and with a very loud voice (because) the man had a loud voice.
In their days, there were no microphones and they addressed thousands of people
He said ‘O God arise and let your enemies in this bush be scattered’
That was all he said
Suddenly, they heard some people running and as they were running, they were colliding on each other.

They felt that people were falling and rising up inside the bush
Some were jamming themselves into the trees, they never saw anybody but they heard the sound of the scattering.

Your prayer today shall release confusion into the camp of the enemy.
They were running helter skelter.
After some time, there was calm and he ordered them to begin to cut the bush.
As they were cutting the bush, from the mountains, they saw a mighty python crawling down.
Those cutting the grasses wanted to run away.
Baba said ‘stay there’, continue to cut your grass.
They continued to cut and the serpent came majestically, the kind of python that could swallow a human without trace.
The serpent did not go to anybody else but Apostle Babalola.
Baba watched this snake coming and was not impressed at all.
As the snake approached, he just said ‘let the fire of the God of Elijah fall upon this serpent’
It was as if electricity passed through this serpent and it just dried up.

I will be writing about the valuable lessons that I have learned from studying the life of this great apostle. This has helped me as a young evangelist and I strongly believe that this will equally help all believers across the world.

The first and one of the most important lessons that I learned from the life Ayo Babalola is that ” BEING HEAVILY ANOINTED BY GOD DOESN’T NECESSARILY TURN YOU INTO A GENERAL OVERSEER OF A CHURCH.
I am tempted to say that if I have 10% of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola’s anointing, I would have become a General Overseer of a new Church even when God has not commissioned me to oversea a church for him. And this statement is true of many believers, especially, those who have the call of God upon their lives.

One of the greatest tragedies in the body of Christ today are anointed pastors and Prophets who God has not commissioned to oversee a church for Him but who have done so because they felt being anointed automatically turn a man into a General Overseer. There are many G.Os on earth whom God doesn’t recognise as G.Os in heaven. They struggle to become what God has not called them to be.

Apostle Ayo Babalola
Apostle Ayo Babalola

At age 26, the anointing of the Holy Ghost and the Power of God rested on Ayo Babalola like no any other person in his generation. He organized one of the most crowded revivals with more than 40,000 daily participants at Oke Oye, in Ilesa, in 1930. It was a revival without postal, no radio hype, no television advert. The Holy Ghost Power and the mighty signs and wonders announced the revival across Africa and beyond.

Demons trembled at Babalola’s voice and many people that stepped into the revival ground started speaking with other tongues without anyone laying hands on them. The atmosphere was charged with the dunamis power of God. It was the most blessed apostolic revival in Africa.
Throughout the revival, even though Babalola was the human vessel that God used, he didn’t see himself as the leader of the apostolic crusade. He didn’t turn the crowd into a commission. Rather, he invited the missionaries church and other indigenous churches within Ilesha and his environs to come for the harvest of souls. It is on record that the number of new converts in each church increased tremendously as a result of Babalola’s revival.

“During the revival , every denominational church witnessed a considerable increase in membership, which means that more people were converted. The Anglicans, for instance recorded an increase of about 320 members, while the African church baptized 650 converts”. This made Rev. Jones of Methodist Missionary, Ifaki Ekiti to regard Babalola’s message as ” a call to a deeper spirituality and perhaps a basis for Christian unity.

In a letter to D.P Williams on May 4,1931, Odubanjo wrote in part;
“Within three weeks, Babalola had cured about one hundred lepers, sixty blind people and fifty lame person. “
Many dead people jumped back to life as a result of Babalola’s prayer. With this kind of apostolic result, if Ayo Babalola had started a church at Ilesha, it would have become an instantaneous success but he realized that was not his mission and commission.

Sadly in our days, many of our so-called revivals and programs only promote the activities and fame of the church and the G.O in charge. We use revival to create new Churches and to “become” G.Os.
Instead of forming his own church, Ayo Babalola simply worked with Faith Tebernacle and other religious bodies. When the 1930 revival ended, no new Church was born but all the existing churches were strengthened and populated. The 1930 revival was a crusade without G.O and it was a revival that produce no G.O after it ended.

Ayo Babalola didn’t answer to the title of G.O or Founder till death took him from this side of eternity.
Today men who only saw Babalola once in their dreams are now G.Os. Whereas, Men who attended Babalola’s revival received Evangelical fire that can birth churches but they realized that the ultimate aim of revival is not the proliferation of churches and G.Os but the empowerment of the existing churches.

Babalola led by example and other followed suit. the fire that people received from Oke Ooye revival is still visible in many towns and villages across the world.
We have erroneously learned to tie fire down to building and temples whereas the original intention of God is for men to become mobile temple of fire.

Apostolic revivals are meant to enfire men and not to build rubbles that we call churches. God is interested in revival that birth men of fire than money making programs that we use to build beautiful churches without holy fire.
Before you carry your anointing to start a new Church, ask the Lord: would this church be recognised by heaven? Before you register the name of your church with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Abuja make sure the church is registered with “the Kingdom Affairs Commission (KAC) in heaven. God is not eager to start a new Church, rather, he wants the existing one to truly know Him.

Many people who are G.Os today are raised by God as vessels of honour in their formal churches. Do not start what God has not finished. Do not comission what God has not commissioned you to do. You can be God’s General without becoming a General Overseer. You can influence your generation without becoming a founder of another church. Let God lead you. Do not start a church without an assigned angel. Like Joseph Ayo Babalola, learn to wait on God before you move on behalf of God. You can be heavily Anointed without being commissioned as a General Overseer. Know your place and your time in God’s agenda on earth.

Always remember this, multitudes are not the signs of his presence. Miracles are not the confirmations of his power. Many prophets uses occultic power. Not all anointing that makes men fall during impartation are from the Holy Spirit. Finally, the fact that the church is Rich and successful is not the yardstick that God is in the midst of it. Do not confuse the beautiful electrical lightenings to the awesome glory of God.

As a member of a particular church, also ask the Lord if He is the one that commissioned the church that you are currently attending. If your pastor funded it because of his anointing or his frustration from his previous engagement, and not as a result of God’s divine leading, you may spend years in that place without encountering God. It is hard to find God in a “thing” He has not commissioned.

Remember to share this post and let me know any quotable quotes you find in it. Your feedback matters to me.

Sunday, 1 May 2022


*PHARAOH’S HEART IS HARD* *Scripture Reading:* Exodus 7 _So the Lord said to Moses: “Pharaoh’s heart is hard; he refuses to let the people go. Go to Pharaoh in the morning, when he goes out to the water, and you shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him; and the rod which was turned to a serpent you shall take in your hand._ *Exodus 7:14–15* Up until then, God’s demonstration of power in Pharaoh’s court was a validation of Moses. The engagement moved to the next level when He sent Moses to meet Pharaoh at the river Nile. The plagues that would free Israel from Egypt were about to begin. *• Pharaoh’s heart was hard.* When he realised that his magicians could replicate the acts of Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh might have felt quite confident. He probably concluded that Aaron’s miracle was a magical deception, the secret of which was not known to his wise men. God told Moses there would be resistance from Pharaoh even though he had his mandate from Him. We need reassurance from God when we encounter opposition to what He’s called us to do. *• Go to Pharaoh.* The Nile was an object of reverence for the Egyptians. It was home to the patron deity of the country. The Lord chose the river to be the subject of the first plague. He wanted to strike at the heart of the power and confidence of the Egyptians and demonstrate to them His authority. *• God with the rod.* Moses had to go to the banks of the river with the miracle-working rod. This time, the rod would not be raised in demonstration, but in judgment. He had initially showed what He could do, but now, He would work all His wonders in Egypt by the same rod of demonstration. • God’s power works in all places – in the palace and in the river. God was present with Moses at the Nile as He was with him in Pharaoh’s court. His power had not diminished because of the different location. The same power present during your personal devotion is available at the workplace. Call upon God anywhere, at any moment and in any situation, and He will answer. *Prayer:* _Heavenly Father, you rule over the stubbornness of men. By your power, all resistance crumbles. In Jesus’ name, Amen._


*GOD’S WORK RULES* *Scripture Reading:* Exodus 7 _For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. And Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said._ *Exodus 7:12–13* Pharaoh’s wise men, sorcerers and magicians responded to Moses and Aaron’s action. They also threw down their rods as Moses and Aaron had done and got their rods to turn into serpents. It is instructive that Pharaoh’s spiritual gurus could only replicate what Moses had done. They didn’t do anything different. Neither did they do anything better. That is the true nare of a counterfeit. It only mirrors but does not originate. The scriptures simply state that Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. You get the impression that it was a quick showdown. The word ‘swallow’ has these implications. *• To Overwhelm.* This has to do with establishing superiority. The moment the rods of the magicians turned inro serpents, that of Aaron, though outnumbered, dominated. What Moses and Aaron had produced was far superior to their challengers. *• To Destroy.* This has to do with breaking down something that used to stand. Though the serpents of the magicians seemed to project some strength and power, they were swallowed in an instant. *• To Eradicate.* This has to do with erasing something from view and from existence. After the showdown, the magicians were without their rods. Their sign of authority with which they showed their power had been consumed and was nowhere to be found. When Aaron’s snake swallowed those of Pharaoh’s courtiers, God demonstrated His supremacy over the gods of Egypt. In the end, whatever is of God stands. There may be some mimicry of His power, but He comes in to establish his victory over them. *Prayer:* _Heavenly Father, let your power swallow up every evil power at work in my presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen._


*ROD TURNS TO SERPENT* *Scripture Reading:* Exodus 7 _So Moses and Aaron went into Pharaoh, and they did so, just as the Lord commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent._ *Exodus 7:10* As the engagement between Moses, Aaron, and Pharoah played out, they went into Pharoah’s court and cast the rod they wielded before him. When Aaron did so, it become a serpent. The sign of Moses and Aaron’s rod turning into a snake served two main purposes. *• First, it was a sign that God gave Moses to validate his calling.* It proved that God was with Moses on his assignment to lead Israel’s liberation from Egypt’s captivity. It also showed Moses that God can take simple things and make them powerful. *• Secondly, it was a sign to validate Moses’ authority before Pharaoh.* This was the sign God gave Moses to show if Pharaoh demanded to know Moses’ authority. Pharoah, as a king, would be familiar with the diplomacy of questioning the authority of emissaries sent with a message or with responsibility to execute a task. He was also accustomed to supernatural works. This miracle was to cement Moses’ credentials as one sent from God to make the bold demand for Israel’s liberty. It was in obedience to God’s instructions that Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh. They stepped into Pharaoh’s courts with a clear mandate from the Lord. They had a blueprint to follow. They did just as the Lord commanded them. Moses and Aaron were careful to do exactly what the Lord had asked them to do. It was only in doing so, that they would be assured that He would perform the miracle as He had showed them in private. In spiritual warfare, it is crucial that we do as the Lord instructs if we are to be victorious. The rod became a serpent. Right before Pharaoh and his servants, Aaron’s rod turned into a big serpent after it was cast down. It was God’s validation of the servants He had sent. Likewise, may God give you His approval as His representative wherever you stand. *Prayer:* _Heavenly Father, you are the One who validates me. Show Your power through me to the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen._

Saturday, 9 April 2022


*LIVING WORD DEVOTIONAL* _By Pastor Mensa Otabil_ Tuesday 5th April 2022 *MARTHA’S SERVICE* *Scripture Reading:* John 12 _There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him._ *John 12:2* Martha was Lazarus’ sister - the other sister was Mary. This family was very close to the Lord Jesus. When the Lord visited their home, they hosted Him with the traditional hospitality. Of the two sisters, Martha seemed to be more preoccupied with ensuring that the supper in honour of Jesus was served right. Our Christian life begins with knowing the Lord, but that should not be the end of it. We must find ways to serve. Martha’s acts provide us a good example of this pattern of first knowing the Lord and serving Him. *• Serve the Lord.* Martha showed her devotion to the Lord through her service. She had an eye for detail and wanted anything done for Christ to be done well. Her service of providing a meal for the Lord must be as greatly esteemed as the service of the other disciples. In Martha, we see that knowing Jesus is not all there is for us. She and her family knew Jesus very well. In addition to knowing the Lord, Martha served the Lord. We must also seek out ways to serve the Lord and make our lives beneficial to Him. +• Serve the Lord’s people.* The Lord Jesus was not the only one at the table. There were others such as the disciples of Jesus and visitors from the town. Jesus would often have a following everywhere He went. Martha also served the people who were with Jesus. She cared for those that the Lord cared for. Our service should include other Christians as well as those who may not be Christians. Anyone who is precious to God must be precious to us. In what areas are we serving the Lord? *Prayer:* _Heavenly Father, help me to diligently serve you with my abilities; and care for those you care for. In Jesus’ name, Amen._

The Power of Preparation

(8-1) Introduction “The story of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was called Israel, is a vivid representation of the great truth that ‘all things work together for good to [those] who loved God.’ (See Rom. 8:28.) Joseph always seemed to do the right thing; but still, more importantly, he did it for the right reason. And how very, very significant that is! Joseph was sold by his own brothers as a slave and was purchased by Potiphar, a captain of the guard of Pharaoh. But even as an indentured servant, Joseph turned every experience and all circumstances, no matter how trying, into something good. “This ability to turn everything into something good appears to be a godly characteristic. Our Heavenly Father always seems able to do this. Everything, no matter how dire, becomes a victory to the Lord. Joseph, although a slave and wholly undeserving of this fate, nevertheless remained faithful to the Lord and continued to live the commandments and made something very good of his degrading circumstances. People like this cannot be defeated, because they will not give up. They have the correct, positive attitude, and Dale Carnegie’s expression seems to apply: If you feel you have a lemon, you can either complain about how sour it is, or you can make a lemonade. It is all up to you.” (Hartman Rector, Jr., “Live above the Law to Be Free,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 130.) Instructions to Students Use Notes and Commentary below to help you as you read and study Genesis 37–50. Complete Points to Ponder as directed by your teacher. (Individual study students should complete all of this section.) Notes and Commentary on Genesis 37–50 (8-2) Genesis 37:3. What Was the Coat of Many Colors? There is some question as to what Joseph’s coat actually was. The Hebrew word denotes “a long coat with sleeves … i.e. an upper coat reaching to the wrists and ankles, such as noblemen and kings’ daughters wore” (Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 1:1:335; note also 2 Samuel 13:18, which says that the daughters of King David wore similar coats). The coat may have been of different colors, but its significance seems to have been far more than its brightness and beauty. One noted scholar suggested that it was “a tunic reaching to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; the long tunic with sleeves worn by young men and maidens of the better class; in the case of Joseph, supposed by Bush … to have been the badge of the birthright which has been forfeited by Reuben and transferred to Joseph” (Wilson, Old Testament Word Studies, s.v. “colour,” p. 82). If indeed this coat signaled that Joseph held the birthright, which may have been in question among the brothers because there were four firstborn sons in Jacob’s family, this fact would explain the intense hostility and jealousy the coat provoked among the other sons of Jacob. The following brothers could easily have thought that they should have had the birthright. Reuben. He was the firstborn of all the sons. Although he had lost the right (see Reading 7-28), he may not have accepted that fact. Simeon. Since he was the second son of Leah and next in line following Reuben, he could have assumed the birthright would come to him after Reuben lost his right to it. Judah. He could have argued that not only Reuben had lost the right, but so had Simeon and Levi, through the massacre of the Shechemites (see Genesis 34). The disqualification of these sons would make him the rightful legal heir. Dan. Because his mother, Bilhah, was considered Rachel’s property, he could argue that he was Rachel’s firstborn, not Joseph, and therefore should have received the birthright when Reuben lost it. Gad. He was the firstborn son of Zilpah and therefore could easily have thought he should have taken the birthright after Reuben forfeited it. Joseph’s dreams (see Genesis 37:5–11), which clearly signified future leadership, only added to the resentment among the brothers. (8-3) Genesis 37:28 The price received for Joseph, twenty pieces of silver, is the same price specified later in the Mosaic law for a slave between the ages of five and twenty (see Leviticus 27:5). Typically, the price for a slave was thirty pieces of silver (see Exodus 21:32). (8-4) Genesis 37:32 Mormon recorded in the Book of Mormon that when Jacob saw that a remnant of the “coat of many colours” (v. 32) had been preserved, he prophesied that so also would a remnant of Joseph’s seed be preserved (see Alma 46:24). (8-5) Genesis 37:36. What Was Potiphar’s Position? The Hebrew phrase which is translated as “captain of the guards” literally means “chief of the butchers or slaughterers.” From this meaning some scholars have thought that he was the chief cook or steward in the house of the pharaoh, but other scholars believe that butcher or slaughterer is used in the sense of executioner, and thus Potiphar was the “commanding officer of the royal body-guard, who executed the capital sentences ordered by the king” (Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 1:1:338). Either way, Potiphar was an important man, but the latter position especially would give him great power and status in Egypt. (8-6) Genesis 38:1–30. Judah and Tamar With typical honesty, the Old Testament includes the sordid tale of Judah’s incestuous relationship with his daughter-in-law. There seem to be several reasons for its inclusion here. First, once again are illustrated the effects of the covenant people forgetting the importance of marrying in the covenant. Unlike his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather (Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham), Judah was not concerned about intermarriage with the Canaanites. The negative results of this marriage out of the covenant are clearly shown here. Second, the story shows the lineage of Judah from which the Messiah would eventually come (see Matthew 1:3; Luke 3:33). An additional lesson here shows that ancestry is not the determiner of one’s righteousness. Finally, the truth that failure to honor one’s commitments often leads to greater trouble is clearly shown. Had Judah faithfully kept his promise to Tamar, the seduction would never have taken place. Likewise, had Judah been faithful to the laws of morality, he never would have sinned with Tamar. (8-7) Genesis 38:5–11. Why Was Tamar to Marry the Brothers of Her Husband? Ancient customs of the Middle East provided that a brother of a deceased man should marry his widow. Under Moses this custom became law (see Deuteronomy 25:5–10). The purpose of such a marriage was to produce a male heir for the dead man and thus perpetuate his name and memory. It was regarded as a great calamity to die without a son, for then the man’s lineage did not continue and also the man’s property reverted to someone else’s family (through daughters, if he had any, or through other relatives). It may be that Onan, who by virtue of the death of his older brother would have been next in line for the inheritance of Judah, refused to raise up seed through Tamar because the inheritance would have stayed with the elder son’s family. He went through the outward show of taking Tamar to wife but refused to let her have children. Thus when Judah failed to keep his promise to send the youngest son to her, Tamar resorted to deception in order to bear children. (8-8) Genesis 38:24 It is important to note Judah’s twisted sense of values. He had no qualms about sending Tamar home with unfulfilled promises nor of picking up a harlot along the road. But when he heard that Tamar was pregnant he was so incensed that he ordered her put to death. (8-9) Genesis 39:9. What Were Joseph’s Reasons for Refusing Potiphar’s Wife? Joseph’s answer to the advances of Potiphar’s wife shows his great personal righteousness. King Benjamin taught the Nephites that “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17). If that principle were to be stated negatively, it would read, “When ye are exploiting or sinning against your fellow beings, you are only sinning against God.” Joseph understood this principle perfectly and answered Potiphar’s wife by pointing out that it would be a terrible thing to take advantage of his master in this way. He took the next logical step when he added, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). (8-10) Genesis 39:20 Because Potiphar had great power with the pharaoh and perhaps was even head of the royal executioners (see Reading 8-5), it is remarkable that Joseph was only put into prison and not executed. A slave accused of attempting to rape his master’s wife would seem to have deserved the most severe punishment, and yet Joseph was only imprisoned. Could it be that Potiphar, knowing of Joseph’s character and his wife’s character, suspected the truth and, although he felt compelled to take action, chose comparatively lenient punishment? Whatever the case, the hand of the Lord certainly preserved Joseph from what would otherwise have been almost certain death. (8-11) Genesis 39:21–23; 40:1–23 The spiritual greatness of Joseph is a remarkable thing. How many people have become bitter over some real or imagined slight, or blamed the Lord for some personal tragedy? In the very midst of being faithful and holding true to that which is right, Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison. How easy it would have been for him to give up, to say, “What’s the use of trying to serve God? All He does is punish me.” But there was not a trace of bitterness, no blaming the Lord. Joseph just continued being righteous and faithful. Unselfishly he offered to interpret the dreams of his two fellow prisoners, telling them that the knowledge came from God (see Genesis 40:8). He still trusted in the Lord, although he must have felt doomed to spend his life in prison. If any person had cause for discouragement and bitterness, it was Joseph, but he never faltered in his faith. Truly, Joseph is a model to be emulated. (8-12) Genesis 41:1. How Long Was Joseph in Prison? Joseph was in prison for two years after he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and baker (see Genesis 41:1). He was sold into slavery when he was about seventeen (see Genesis 37:2), and he was thirty years of age when he became vice-regent to the pharaoh (see Genesis 41:46). Altogether he served thirteen years with Potiphar and in prison. The record does not tell how long he served Potiphar before his imprisonment, but that he worked his way up to be the overseer of the prison implies some period of time before the butler and baker joined him. So it is likely that Joseph was in prison at least three years and possibly much longer. “And the Midianites sold him into Egypt” (Genesis 37:36). © Quebecor World Inc. (8-13) Genesis 41:8. Why Were the Wise Men of Egypt Unable to Interpret the Pharaoh’s Dreams? Many assume that the dreams of pharaoh were beyond the scope of Egypt’s wise men and yet, in some ways, it is remarkable that these magicians could not have come up with some kind of logical explanation using their own well-known symbolism. “Being troubled about this double dream, Pharaoh sent the next morning for all the scribes and wise men of Egypt, to have it interpreted. … [The magicians were] men of the priestly caste, who occupied themselves with the sacred arts and sciences of the Egyptians, the hieroglyphic writings, astrology, the interpretation of dreams, the foretelling of events, magic, and conjuring, and who were regarded as the possessors of secret arts … and the wise men of the nation. But not one of these could interpret it, although the clue to the interpretation was to be found in the religious symbols of Egypt. For the cow was the symbol of Isis, the goddess of the all-sustaining earth, and in the hieroglyphics it represented the earth, agriculture, and food; and the Nile, by its overflowing, was the source of the fertility of the land. But however simple the explanation of the fat and lean cows ascending out of the Nile appears to be, it is ‘the fate of the wisdom of this world, that where it suffices it is compelled to be silent. For it belongs to the government of God to close the lips of the eloquent, and take away the understanding of the aged (Job xii. 20).’” (Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 1:1:349.) Pharaoh Made Joseph Ruler of All Egypt Painting by Joe Maniscalco; courtesy of Pacific Press Publishing Association (8-14) Genesis 42:8. Why Did Joseph’s Brothers Fail to Recognize Him? It had been twenty-two years since the sons of Jacob had last seen Joseph—thirteen years of slavery and prison for Joseph, seven years of plenty, and two years of famine (see Genesis 45:11)—before Jacob’s family was forced to go to Egypt for grain. Joseph was a teenager when his family had last seen him. Now he was a mature, middle-aged man. And, even if Joseph still looked very much as he did when he was younger, who would believe that a brother who was sold as a slave to a caravan of Arabians would have become the second most powerful man in Egypt? (8-15) Genesis 42:21 Over twenty years had passed since his brothers had sold Joseph into slavery, and yet they still felt tremendously guilty about what they had done. (8-16) Genesis 43:8–9 By demanding that Benjamin be brought back to Egypt (see Genesis 42:15), Joseph allowed his brothers to show whether or not they truly were sorry for what they had done to him so many years before. Would they now show the same lack of concern for Benjamin? It is significant that Judah, who suggested that Joseph be sold (see Genesis 37:26–27), became the one who was willing to become “the surety” for Benjamin. There does seem to be evidence of sincere repentance on the brothers’ part, and Joseph’s stratagem allowed them to demonstrate this repentance. When the pressure was on, Judah’s change of heart was shown to be complete (see Genesis 44:33). (8-17) Genesis 43:28. “And They Bowed Down Their Heads, and Made Obeisance” The phraseology in this verse is the same as that used in Genesis 37:7, 9. It had taken over two decades, but the Lord’s revelations were now fulfilled. (8-18) Genesis 43:32. Why Was It an Abomination for Egyptians to Eat with Hebrews? Several Egyptian deities were represented by cattle, especially female cattle. Since the Hebrews were herdsmen who slaughtered and ate cattle, regardless of sex, this practice would have been viewed by the Egyptians as a terrible abomination. Whatever the reason, Joseph seemed to respect the custom of Egyptians and Hebrews eating separately. (See Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 1:1:362; Clarke, Bible Commentary, 1:245; cf. Genesis 43:34.) (8-19) Genesis 45:4–8. Joseph—A Type of Christ This touching scene, in which Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers, demonstrates the Christlike nature of his character. He forgave without bitterness, extended love when undeserved, and saw the Lord’s hand in all that happened. But his similarities to Christ go much deeper. As Nephi said, all things from the beginning of the world were given to typify, or symbolize, Christ (see 2 Nephi 11:4; Moses 6:63). It has already been shown how Abraham was a type of the Father and Isaac a type of Jesus when Abraham was commanded to offer Isaac in sacrifice. This act was “a similitude of God and his Only Begotten Son” (Jacob 4:5). Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught that all prophets are types of Christ: “A prophet is one who has the testimony of Jesus, who knows by the revelations of the Holy Ghost to his soul that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In addition to this divine knowledge, many of them lived in special situations or did particular things that singled them out as types and patterns and shadows of that which was to be in the life of him who is our Lord.” (The Promised Messiah, p. 448.) Likewise, the life and mission of Joseph typifies the life and mission of Jesus. Consider the following: Joseph was the favored son of his father; so was Jesus (see Genesis 37:3; Matthew 3:17). Joseph was rejected by his brothers, the Israelites, as was Jesus (see Genesis 37:4; John 1:11; Isaiah 53:3; 1 Nephi 19:13–14). Joseph was sold by his brothers into the hands of the Gentiles, just as Jesus was (see Genesis 37:25–27; Matthew 20:19). Judah, the head of the tribe of Judah, proposed the sale of Joseph. Certain leaders of the Jews in Jesus’ day turned Jesus over to the Romans. Judas (the Greek spelling of Judah) was the one who actually sold Jesus. (See Genesis 37:26; Matthew 27:3.) Joseph was sold for twenty pieces of silver, the price of a slave his age. Christ was sold for thirty pieces of silver, the price of a slave His age. (See Genesis 37:28; Matthew 27:3; Exodus 21:32; Leviticus 27:5.) In their very attempt to destroy Joseph, his brothers actually set up the conditions that would bring about their eventual temporal salvation—that is, Joseph, by virtue of being sold, would become their deliverer. Jesus, by His being given into the hands of the Gentiles, was crucified and completed the atoning sacrifice, becoming the Deliverer for all mankind. Joseph began his mission of preparing salvation for Israel at age thirty, just as Jesus began His ministry of preparing salvation for the world at age thirty (see Genesis 41:46; Luke 3:23). When Joseph was finally raised to his exalted position in Egypt, all bowed the knee to him. All will eventually bow the knee to Jesus. (See Genesis 41:43; D&C 88:104.) Joseph provided bread for Israel and saved them from death, all without cost. Jesus, the Bread of Life, did the same for all men. (See Genesis 42:35; John 6:48–57; 2 Nephi 9:50.) (8-20) Genesis 47:9. Were Jacob’s Days “Few and Evil”? In comparison with Abraham, who lived 175 years, and Isaac, who lived to be 180, Jacob’s 130 years to this point could be described as smaller or “few.” The word which is translated as “evil” actually means “sorrowful” or “full of toil and trouble.” Remembering Jacob’s flight to Haran to escape Esau’s wrath, his years of labor for Laban, his wives and their contentions, his pilgrimage in the land of Canaan, the death of Rachel, and his years of sorrowing for the loss of Joseph contributes to a better understanding of why he would say his days were full of trouble and toil. (8-21) Genesis 48:5–11. What Additional Information about Joseph’s Seed Do We Learn from the Joseph Smith Translation? Joseph Smith made the following changes in this passage when he worked on the inspired translation of the Bible: “And now, of thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt, before I came unto thee into Egypt; behold, they are mine, and the God of my fathers shall bless them; even as Reuben and Simeon they shall be blessed, for they are mine; wherefore they shall be called after my name. (Therefore they were called Israel.) “And thy issue which thou begettest after them, shall be thine, and shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance, in the tribes; therefore they were called the tribes of Manasseh and of Ephraim. “And Jacob said unto Joseph when the God of my fathers appeared unto me in Luz, in the land of Canaan; he sware unto me, that he would give unto me, and unto my seed, the land for an everlasting possession. “Therefore, O my son, he hath blessed me in raising thee up to be a servant unto me, in saving my house from death; “In delivering my people, thy brethren, from famine which was sore in the land; wherefore the God of thy fathers shall bless thee, and the fruit of thy loins, that they shall be blessed above thy brethren, and above thy father’s house; “For thou hast prevailed, and thy father’s house hath bowed down unto thee, even as it was shown unto thee, before thou wast sold into Egypt by the hands of thy brethren; wherefore thy brethren shall bow down unto thee, from generation to generation, unto the fruit of thy loins for ever; “For thou shalt be a light unto my people, to deliver them in the days of their captivity, from bondage; and to bring salvation unto them, when they are altogether bowed down under sin.” (JST, Genesis 48:5–11.) (8-22) Genesis 48:22. How Did Jacob Give to Joseph “One Portion” More Than to His Brothers? “Joseph, son of Jacob, because of his faithfulness and integrity to the purposes of the Lord, was rewarded with the birthright in Israel. It was the custom in early times to bestow upon the firstborn son special privileges and blessings, and these were looked upon as belonging to him by right of birth. Reuben, the first of Jacob’s sons, lost the birthright through transgression, and it was bestowed upon Joseph, who was the most worthy of all the sons of Jacob [1 Chronicles 5:1–2]. “When Jacob blessed Joseph, he gave him a double portion, or an inheritance among his brethren in Palestine and also the blessing of the land of Zion—‘the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.’ He also blessed him with the blessings of heaven above, of the deep which lieth under, and of posterity [Genesis 49:22–26]. Jacob also blessed the two sons of Joseph with the blessings of their father, which they inherited, and he placed Ephraim, the younger, before Manasseh, the elder, and by inspiration of the Lord conferred upon Ephraim the birthright in Israel.” (Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3:250–51.) (8-23) Genesis 49:1–20. What Criterion Was Used in Determining Which Tribes Would Have Prominence? “Through a careful study and consideration of the blessings of the Lord pronounced through Jacob, upon his twelve sons, it is evident that they were not to share equally in the promises of the Lord. “It is evident that the blessings given to Judah and Joseph were choice above the blessings pronounced upon their brothers.” (Richards, Israel! Do You Know? pp. 9–10.) One’s activities in his premortal life had an influence on his being born into a particular situation on this earth. President Harold B. Lee made this observation: “‘When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.’ (Deut. 32:8.) “Now, mind you, this was said to the children of Israel before they had arrived in the ‘Promised Land,’ which was to be the land of their inheritance. “Then note this next verse: ‘For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.’ (Deut. 32:9.) “It would seem very clear, then, that those born to the lineage of Jacob, who was later to be called Israel, and his posterity, who were known as the children of Israel, were born into the most illustrious lineage of any of those who came upon the earth as mortal beings. “All these rewards were seemingly promised, or foreordained, before the world was. Surely these matters must have been determined by the kind of lives we had lived in that premortal spirit world. Some may question these assumptions, but at the same time they will accept without any question the belief that each one of us will be judged when we leave this earth according to his or her deeds during our lives here in mortality. Isn’t it just as reasonable to believe that what we have received here in this earth life was given to each of us according to the merits of our conduct before we came here?” (“Understanding Who We Are Brings Self-Respect,” Ensign, Jan. 1974, p. 5.) In Deuteronomy 33:6–29, Moses recounted again the blessings given to each tribe. This passage should be studied and compared to Jacob’s original blessings recorded in Genesis 49. (8-24) Genesis 49:8–12. What Significant Portion of the Birthright Blessing Was Given to Judah? The blessing given to Judah indicates that kings would come from his lineage (see 1 Chronicles 5:1–2; Hebrews 7:14). Old Testament history teaches that this promise was fulfilled. King David, King Solomon, and King Rehoboam are just three of the kings who came through Judah’s lineage. The King of Kings, Jesus Christ, referred to here as Shiloh, also came through this line. Elder Ezra Taft Benson said of this promise: “The great blessing to Judah is that it contemplated the coming of Shiloh who would gather his people to him. This prophecy concerning Shiloh has been subject to several rabbinic and Christian interpretations and the object of considerable controversy. The interpretation given this passage by the Mormon Church is one based on revelation to modern prophets, not on scholarly commentary. It was revealed to Joseph Smith that Shiloh is the Messiah. (See [JST, Genesis 50:24].)” (“A Message to Judah from Joseph,” Ensign, Dec. 1976, p. 71.) (8-25) Genesis 49:22–26. What Is the Significance of Joseph’s Blessing? “There are several things to be understood in the prophecy. First, he should become a multitude of nations. We understand what this means. In the second place, his branches should run over the wall. Now what does this mean? The Lord in ancient times had a meaning for everything. It means that his tribe should become so numerous that they would take up more room than one small inheritance in Canaan, that they would spread out and go to some land at a great distance. … “Joseph’s peculiar blessing, which I have just read to you, was that he should enjoy possessions above Jacob’s progenitors to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills. This would seem to indicate a very distant land from Palestine.” (Orson Pratt, in Journal of Discourses, 14:9.) The seed of Joseph came to the land of America at the time Lehi and his family departed from the Mediterranean world. The land of America is specifically designated by the Lord as the land reserved for “a remnant of the house of Joseph” (3 Nephi 15:12). (8-26) Genesis 49:26. America Is the Land of the “Everlasting Hills” “I suppose that Jacob saw this land as well as Moses, and he designates it a land afar off; the utmost bounds would signify a very distant land. He said this land was over and above, what his progenitors gave to him and he would give it to Joseph. … The precious things of heaven were to be given to Joseph on this land. Blessed of the Lord be his land for the precious things of heaven, more precious than the fullness of earth, more precious than the productions of the various climates of the earth, more precious than the grain, and the gold and silver of the earth. The precious things of heaven revealed to the people of Joseph on the great land given to them unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills.” (Orson Pratt, in Journal of Discourses, 18:167–68.) (8-27) Genesis 50:24. The Prophecies of Joseph In 2 Nephi 3, the prophet Lehi told his son Joseph of the great prophecies of their progenitor, Joseph who was sold into Egypt. These prophecies were evidently on the brass plates that Lehi had but have been lost from our present Bible. Through revelation, Joseph Smith restored the lost scriptures by adding thirteen verses between Genesis 50:24 and 25 of the King James Version. Because of their significance for Saints of the latter days, the verses are reprinted here. (They are also found in the appendix of the LDS edition of the King James Version of the Bible.) “And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die, and go unto my fathers; and I go down to my grave with joy. The God of my father Jacob be with you, to deliver you out of affliction in the days of your bondage; for the Lord hath visited me, and I have obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of my loins, the Lord God will raise up a righteous branch out of my loins; and unto thee, whom my father Jacob hath named Israel, a prophet; (not the Messiah who is called Shilo;) and this prophet shall deliver my people out of Egypt in the days of thy bondage. “And it shall come to pass that they shall be scattered again; and a branch shall be broken off, and shall be carried into a far country; nevertheless they shall be remembered in the covenants of the Lord, when the Messiah cometh; for he shall be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the Spirit of power; and shall bring them out of darkness into light; out of hidden darkness, and out of captivity unto freedom. “A seer shall the Lord my God raise up, who shall be a choice seer unto the fruit of my loins. “Thus saith the Lord God of my fathers unto me, A choice seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins, and he shall be esteemed highly among the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give commandment that he shall do a work for the fruit of thy loins, his brethren. “And he shall bring them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers; and he shall do whatsoever work I shall command him. “And I will make him great in mine eyes, for he shall do my work; and he shall be great like unto him whom I have said I would raise up unto you, to deliver my people, O house of Israel, out of the land of Egypt; for a seer will I raise up to deliver my people out of the land of Egypt; and he shall be called Moses. And by his name he shall know that he is of thy house; for he shall be nursed by the king’s daughter, and shall be called her son. “And again, a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins, and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of thy loins; and not to the bringing forth of my word only, saith the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word, which shall have already gone forth among them in the last days; “Wherefore the fruit of thy loins shall write, and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together unto the confounding of false doctrines, and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to a knowledge of their fathers in the latter days; and also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord. “And out of weakness shall he be made strong, in that day when my work shall go forth among all my people, which shall restore them, who are of the house of Israel, in the last days. “And that seer will I bless, and they that seek to destroy him shall be confounded; for this promise I give unto you; for I will remember you from generation to generation; and his name shall be called Joseph, and it shall be after the name of his father; and he shall be like unto you; for the thing which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation. “And the Lord sware unto Joseph that he would preserve his seed for ever, saying, I will raise up Moses, and a rod shall be in his hand, and he shall gather together my people, and he shall lead them as a flock, and he shall smite the waters of the Red Sea with his rod. “And he shall have judgment, and shall write the word of the Lord. And he shall not speak many words, for I will write unto him my law by the finger of mine own hand. And I will make a spokesman for him, and his name shall be called Aaron. “And it shall be done unto thee in the last days also, even as I have sworn.” (JST, Genesis 50:24–36.) Points to Ponder (8-28) Write a short essay entitled “Joseph in Egypt—A Model for Personal Righteousness.” The purpose of the essay is not to summarize the story of Joseph but to show its application to you today. How might a modern Saint use the example of Joseph in his day-to-day living? As you prepare your essay, consider the following: “Joseph vividly demonstrated why he was favored of the Lord, or, as the scriptures said, why ‘the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man. … ’ (Gen. 39.) His reliance was upon the Lord. His trust was in the Lord, and his allegiance ran to the Lord. “I believe this is the greatest lesson that can be learned by the youth of Zion—to do the right thing because you love the Lord. It is so vitally important that, I feel, if you do anything in righteousness for any other reason than you love the Lord, you are wrong—at least you are on very shaky ground. And, somewhere your reasons for acting in righteousness will not be strong enough to see you through. You will give way to expediency, or peer group pressure, or honor, or fame, or applause, or the thrill of the moment, or some other worldly reason. Unless your motives are built upon the firm foundation of love of the Lord, you will not be able to stand.” (Hartman Rector, Jr., “Live above the Law to Be Free,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 130.) (8-29) As you reflect on what you have just read concerning the sons of Jacob receiving a blessing from their father, ask yourself what great value each son’s blessing would have to help him meet the challenge of his life. Contemplate the far-reaching effects of that blessing on his posterity and all mankind. As a descendant of Israel, you have many of the same challenges facing you in your life. How can you best use the great truths your blessing contains to help you achieve your maximum potential and be of greatest service to the Lord? Elder Bruce R. McConkie has commented on this question: “Nearly every member of the Church is a literal descendant of Jacob who gave patriarchal blessings to his 12 sons, predicting what would happen to them and their posterity after them. (Gen. 49; Teachings, p. 151.) As inheritors of the blessings of Jacob, it is the privilege of the gathered remnant of Jacob to receive their own patriarchal blessings and, by faith, to be blessed equally with the ancients. Patriarchal blessings may be given by natural patriarchs, that is by fathers in Israel who enjoy the blessings of the patriarchal order, or they may be given by ordained patriarchs, specially selected brethren who are appointed to bless worthy church members. “The First Presidency (David O. McKay, Stephen L Richards, J. Reuben Clark, Jr.), in a letter to all stake presidents, dated June 28, 1957, gave the following definition and explanation: ‘Patriarchal blessings contemplate an inspired declaration of the lineage of the recipient, and also where so moved upon by the Spirit, an inspired and prophetic statement of the life mission of the recipient, together with such blessings, cautions, and admonitions as the patriarch may be prompted to give for the accomplishment of such life’s mission, it being always made clear that the realization of all promised blessings is conditioned upon faithfulness to the gospel of our Lord, whose servant the patriarch is. All such blessings are recorded and generally only one such blessing should be adequate for each person’s life. The sacred nature of the patriarchal blessing must of necessity urge all patriarchs to most earnest solicitation of divine guidance for their prophetic utterances and superior wisdom for cautions and admonitions.’” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 558.) Every person who has a father who can bless his children should ask for and receive a father’s blessing when one is needed. In addition, every eligible person in the Church may receive a patriarchal blessing from an ordained patriarch. One’s patriarchal blessing should be read and reread with intelligent consideration of its meaning. Just as blessings are given through the inspiration of the Lord, so too will their meaning be made clear by the same power. Their fulfillment will be in His hands. Regarding patriarchal blessings, Elder John A. Widtsoe wrote: “These blessings are possibilities predicated upon faithful devotion to the cause of truth. They must be earned. Otherwise they are but empty words. Indeed, they rise to their highest value when used as ideals, specific possibilities, toward which we may strive throughout life. To look upon a patriarch as a fortune-teller is an offense to the Priesthood; the patriarch only indicates the gifts the Lord would give us, if we labor for them. He helps us by pointing out the divine goal which we may enjoy if we pay the price. “Such a blessing, given in the spirit of a father’s love, and sealed upon us in the authority of the Priesthood, becomes a power in our lives; a comfort to our days. It is a message which if read and honored aright, will become an anchor in stormy days, our encouragement in cloudy days. It states our certain destination here and hereafter, if we live by the law; and as life goes on, it strengthens our faith and leads us into truth.” (Evidences and Reconciliations, 1:74–75.) “Thus saith the Lord God of my fathers unto me, A choice seer will I raise up” (JST, Genesis 50:27).

BOOK REVIEW @Light Of Christ EPSD#0001-SATAN GET LOST By David O Oyedepo

 SATAN GET LOST  CHAPTER FOUR (4) WHERE IS SATAN? facebook Satan your adversary is currently under your feet. Romans 16:20 ''-----An...